Time Blocks
For work requiring a high degree of skill and specialized knowledge, the following is a guideline:
Hourly: $130.00
Full Day: $832.00
Full Week: $3,328.00
For work requiring more modest degrees of skill and knowledge, the rate is negotiable.
Project Fee
Expenses for Out-of-Region Travel
Federal Treasury Board guidelines.
Extraordinary Expenses
Negotiable. E.g., courier charges, reproduction fees, printer's fees.
Writer's Office Expenses
Part of the package.
For work requiring a high degree of skill and specialized knowledge, the following is a guideline:
Hourly: $130.00
Full Day: $832.00
Full Week: $3,328.00
For work requiring more modest degrees of skill and knowledge, the rate is negotiable.
Project Fee
Expenses for Out-of-Region Travel
Federal Treasury Board guidelines.
Extraordinary Expenses
Negotiable. E.g., courier charges, reproduction fees, printer's fees.
Writer's Office Expenses
Part of the package.