We have two cats ̶ rescue cats. Our family found Bush Cat in the bush many years ago, starving to death. Bushy is neither equipped nor inclined to hunt his own meals.
Lately, he has indulged an inclination to take short walks in the yard, but he rarely stays outside long. If a mouse or a vole scurries past him, he observes it with great interest.
Several years ago, some animal abuser dropped off an orange tabby on our road (which is in the bush). It was a scary, ferocious creature which never approached us and fended for itself, winter and summer.
Then for a while we lost sight of this cat, which had gone truly feral. In the last year or two, another orange tabby has appeared. It is equally skittish. Olga thinks it is the same cat. I don't.
Today, for the first time, this orange cat boldly paraded past our patio door . . .
Read E.J. Lavoie's complete post at http://bit.ly/1TG1Zmj .
Lately, he has indulged an inclination to take short walks in the yard, but he rarely stays outside long. If a mouse or a vole scurries past him, he observes it with great interest.
Several years ago, some animal abuser dropped off an orange tabby on our road (which is in the bush). It was a scary, ferocious creature which never approached us and fended for itself, winter and summer.
Then for a while we lost sight of this cat, which had gone truly feral. In the last year or two, another orange tabby has appeared. It is equally skittish. Olga thinks it is the same cat. I don't.
Today, for the first time, this orange cat boldly paraded past our patio door . . .
Read E.J. Lavoie's complete post at http://bit.ly/1TG1Zmj .